- migration
Immigration to georgia
Methods of immigration to Georgia Immigration to Georgia, obtaining a Georgian visa through various immigration routes and obtaining residency in Georgia are among the things that are explained in this article. In recent years, due to the favorable conditions provided by the country for tourists, many tourists traveled to the country annually to visit historical monuments and tourism. It is noteworthy that a significant part of this tourist population was imported to Georgia by Iran. Gradually, the question arose in the minds of tourists, is it possible to immigrate to Georgia and obtain residence in the country? What are the conditions for immigration to Georgia? In response, it should be said that immigration to Georgia is possible in various ways that the advisory team of the Malikpur Institute has all its attention to provide information that is suitable and suitable for the service of the Dear contacts. If you are planning to immigrate to Georgia or other countries and have questions about the new Georgian laws for Iranians and the conditions of residence in Georgia or if you are planning to check your immigration conditions
Immigration to Georgia
Usually, applicants who intend to immigrate to Georgia should first know their purpose of obtaining a visa in order to choose the best option for themselves. In general, to immigrate to Georgia, it is necessary to learn Georgian to communicate with the indigenous peoples and companies of the country. On the other hand, before applying for a visa, it is necessary to consider what the target conditions are in that country. Georgia is said to have become one of the independent countries that became a separate country after the collapse of the Soviet Union. So the country has been forced to take loans and donations from global banks in recent years. As it seems, Georgia is not as strong in economic fields and job opportunities. Although it is possible to invest in the country under certain circumstances, the government itself has been unsuccessful in attracting investors. However, if you are planning to stay in Georgia, you can assess your situation in one of the ways discussed below.
In general, Georgia is a suitable country for tourists and leisure trips, but in terms of life, it is much better than Iran and Turkey, but compared to European countries and the United States and Canada, Georgia has a lower level. Iranians will not need to apply for a visa to enter the country. Security is also not in good shape in this country. The methods of obtaining residency in Georgia include investment, education (the country has a good university and does not require a language qualification to study in it and the cost of studying is cheap), work (with a job offer), marriage (marriage to a Georgian person).
Immigration to Georgia through education
The Georgian education system is generally subdivided into the education sector of schools and higher education. People under the age of 18 who have not obtained their diploma can study in Georgian schools through immigration to Georgia. The country's education system has three pillars. Primary education is provided for people aged 6 to 12, basic education is provided for people aged 12 to 15, and finally secondary education is provided for ages 15 to 18. In Georgian law, it is mandatory for all members of society to receive education until the age of 14. But it should be considered that studying in Georgian schools is in Georgian and it is necessary to obtain a student visa in the schools of this country, show that there is a supervisor or a guardian who has the authority to take over your guardianship on Georgian soil. It is worth noting that education in Georgian schools is free because students will study in public schools.
Education in Georgian schools Description
Existing educational foundations + Primary = for ages 6 to 12 years
+ Base = for ages 12 to 15 years
+ Intermediate = for ages 15 to 18
The language of teaching in schools is Georgian.
The cost of studying in public schools does not cost anything.
Ethnic condition The term of office is mandatory for international people.
Higher education in Georgia is also divided into three categories: undergraduate, graduate and doctoral. Undergraduate studies in Georgia usually take three to four years, and it is necessary for people to have a 12-year diploma with a small score for admission to the University. The master's degree in Georgia may also be between 18 and 24 months depending on the type of field and University. For admission to the master's degree, the applicant needs to submit their 12-year diploma and undergraduate degrees. In doctoral studies, students usually need to take a three-year period to complete this course. Education in Georgia requires learning Georgian. Students are usually educated at public universities in the country. So the tuition fees are very cheap, and depending on the type of field and university, there may be a fee of between 2,500 and 6,000 euros per year for the student. Therefore, immigration to Georgia through education is a possibility that is possible for international students and students. But you should note that the unemployment rate in Georgia is very high and the chances of employment are low. So if you're looking for permanent residency, it's best to study in Germany or a country with a low unemployment rate to increase your chances of getting a job and to be able to change your type of residency through work.
Duration of the undergraduate course 3 to 4 years
Duration of the master's degree 2 years
Duration of the doctoral course 3 years
Language taught in Georgian universities Georgian
Annual tuition fees between € 2,500 and € 6,000
Admission requirements Presentation of previous course qualifications + presentation of evidence of learning Georgian and reaching the desired level
Georgian work immigration
Among those who intend to stay in Georgia, the country's work options may be considered. Therefore, it should be noted that work immigration to Georgia is possible for specialists and working conditions, according to the approval of the employers of the country. This means that if you are applying for a Georgian work visa, you must first correspond with the companies of the country to enter the country and apply for a job position. The next step is to issue a job offer from the employers of this country to the applicant. With a job offer and other documents in hand, a person can apply for a Georgian work visa. The visa is issued at the beginning of a year, which can also be renewed. But it is worth noting that due to the job opportunity crisis in Georgia and the unemployment rate in the country, Georgia cannot be a suitable destination for achieving its goals in the field of work visas. The chart below shows Georgia's unemployment rate in recent years.
Investments in Georgia
In many countries, investment is one of the best immigrants. Because a person can make a living and earn money by investing in that country. In the meantime, Georgia is very suitable for investment immigration and is possible for business owners. Investment in Georgia is possible through three ways: Company Registration, property purchase and bond purchase. The following is an attempt to provide information to interested parties.
Immigration to Georgia through investment description
Registering a company in Georgia is one of the ways of investing that is offered in the field of private and public shares. Georgia is one of the countries that needs foreign investors to grow its country and has provided the right conditions in this regard. In the field of company registration, you can register your company for a fee of 2,000 to 4,000 euros, and by crediting it according to the type of business plan you have, you can take residence in this country for yourself, your spouse and child under 18 years of age.
Buying property The purchase of property varies with the price of property in different parts of Georgia, but in order to buy property in Georgia and obtain residence in the country, it is necessary for applicants to buy property with a value of more than 35,000 euros. With the purchase of property in Georgia, persons are given a one-year stay, which can be extended year after year. At the end of the sixth year, people will also be eligible for permanent residence.
Bonds in this method, people with capital can buy government bonds from the government of this country in proportion to their assets by transferring their assets to the destination country. In this method, the owners of the capital and their families are also given residence in Georgia. Of course, it is worth noting that the amount of bonds purchased should be between 30,000 euros and 50,000 euros.
Due to the favorable investment conditions in Georgia, but still due to the weak economy, low GDP and the relatively high number of property confiscation rates in the country, the percentage of attraction of investors has been small. The rate of confiscation of property is 7 at the worst possible risk, and 1 at its best.
Immigration to Georgia through marriage
Immigration to Georgia by marrying a Georgian person who is a citizen of the country will provide you with the conditions for immigration to the country and obtaining residency in Georgia. It is worth noting that marriage must be with the person who follows the country, not with the person who has permanent residence in the country. If both people are not married and prove that they have been in contact with each other for a certain period of time, they can also register their marriage. Therefore, a person can finalize immigration to Georgia and residence in Georgia by marrying a Georgian citizen. Then if the couple has lasting relationships with each other for three years and does not lead to divorce, then the foreigner is eligible to receive permanent residence in this country.
Birth of a child and acquisition of Georgian citizenship
Other ways to enter and stay in this country. But first, we have to look at which of the citizenship systems does Georgia use by birth? In general, there are two types of citizenship transfer systems for the born child, known as the blood system and the soil system. In the state of the blood system, it states that the born child receives his citizenship from the citizenship of the parent. For example, if a child is born in Austria to a Belgian parent, the child's citizenship is also Belgian by blood and parental citizenship. This type of system is predominant in most countries of the world, including Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, and yen. But in the state of the soil system, it states that if a child is born on the soil of a country, regardless of the citizenship of his parents, he will obtain the citizenship of the soil of the country where he was born. So if a child whose parents are Iranian but born in Canada is also granted Canadian citizenship. But in the case of Georgia, it should be said that the transfer of citizenship of this country for a child born is through the blood system. That is, if a person has a Georgian father or mother, he can obtain citizenship by emigrating to Georgia and by presenting his documents.
Cost of living in Georgia
Immigration to Georgia through any of the immigration routes requires the financing of expenses by individuals. The cost of living in Georgia is not that high compared to other countries. However, the cost of living is only 27 percent more expensive than in Iran. But in the rents debate, this percentage has increased slightly, reaching a rate of 47 percent more expensive than in Iran. In general, people's expenses can be summarized in the discussion of feed, clothing, renting a House, Transportation, Communication and entertainment. The following table gives a complete description of the costs. It is noteworthy that the Georgian currency is Lari, and the prices listed in the table are given in euros for its convenient equivalence.
Title Cost title cost
One bedroom downtown apartment 292 one meal in restaurant 4.65
3 bedroom downtown apartment 562 3 course double board in restaurant 18.7
One bedroom apartment outside the city center 187 one minute conversation with a cell phone 0.07
3 bedroom apartment outside the city centre 369 high-speed internet monthly 13.4
One kilogram of rice 1.02 one month Sports Club 27
One kilogram of oranges 0.94 one sans cinema 4.3
One kilogram of apples 0.82 one pair of jeans 49
One kilogram of onions 0.44 summer T-shirt 28
One kilogram of potatoes 0.41 one pair of sneakers 63
12 eggs 1.18 a pair of party shoes 72
1.5 L bottle of mineral water 0.36 one liter of diesel 0.74
One way subway ticket 0.14 monthly subway ticket 8.6
Pros and cons of immigration to Georgia
Immigration to Georgia for each person, depending on the type of target they choose, can have several advantages and disadvantages, which we have tried to briefly explain.
Immigration to Georgia explanation
+ A country with low living costs
+ Its proximity to Iran
+ Providing various immigration programs
+ Lack of common English among people
+ Weak economy
+ High risk of opening accounts for Iranians
+ Low security coefficient of the investor's capital
+ Unable to attract foreign investors
+ Not a member of the European Union
+ Crisis finding the right job opportunity
+ Lack of alignment of quality of life with global standards
Acquisition of Georgian citizenship
In general, some ways to immigrate to Georgia cause direct citizenship, and in some other ways, citizenship is obtained indirectly. People born to Georgian parents can obtain citizenship of the country. Marriage to a Georgian citizen is also one of the ways that after three years leads to obtaining permanent residence and then in the short term leads to a person's citizenship. On the way to work and investment, the person is also given a one-year stay. If persons extend their stay for up to five years, they are eligible for permanent residence. After graduation, students can also obtain a work visa and follow the steps mentioned to obtain permanent residence. But it is worth mentioning that in order to obtain Georgian citizenship, people must adapt to the people of this country in terms of social behavior and culture. Persons must also not have committed a crime during the duration of their stay. In other cases, to qualify for citizenship, the official language of the country is Georgian.